Friday, 5 December 2008

Final Task Introduction and Genre

Our film name is "Disruption !" It's a thriller based in present day.

Thriller is a broad genre of literature, film, television, and gaming that includes numerous and often overlapping sub-genres.

Thrillers are characterized by fast pacing, frequent action, and resourceful heroes who must thwart the plans of more-powerful and better-equipped villains. Literary devices such as suspense, red herrings and cliffhangers are used extensively.

Main Sub Genres:

Action thriller
Crime thriller
Disaster thriller
Drama thriller
Horror thriller
Legal thriller
Psychological thriller

• The heroes in most thrillers are frequently "hard men" accustomed to danger:
• They may also be ordinary citizens drawn into danger by accident.
• While such heroes have traditionally been men, women lead characters have become increasingly common.
• Thrillers often overlap with mystery stories, but are distinguished by the structure of their plots.
• Thrillers also occur on a much grander scale: the crimes that must be prevented are serial or mass murder, terrorism, assassination, or the overthrow of governments.

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Final Task Synopses

Mr William hunt is a newcomer to the police force and after only three weeks he is placed on a mission that would send a shiver down the spine of any well weathered policemen. His job is to infiltrate one of two rival gangs, in the attempt to bring down a powerful crime/drug lord (Felix Four Fingers). Before any of this can become reality he must prove himself to the gang by carrying out a series of unspeakable crimes and as he does this he begins to get a liking for the respect that is given to him. As he progresses with these tasks his judgement becomes clouded and corrupt, he realises that the force is not for him, resigns from his job and becomes a member of the gang.

As the plot thickens William’s time spent with his new found brothers is seen as a way out from his routine life. He detects weakness in the gangs infrastructure and is overwhelmed with greed from his power hungry mind and develops a clever plot to overthrow Felix thus becoming the new leader of the gang. William kills Felix in a gruesome manner and covers up his tracks by making it look like a assassination from the rival gang. Just as William sets gaze over his new empire he gets word that there may be an undercover policemen in his midst, he realises what he has become and once to un-tangle himself from the web of deceit he has created. He goes through with one last deal and fins himself in a pool of his own blood, cursing the foul world that has miss lead him in such a horrific manner.

Final Task Pitch

Mr William Hunt, a somewhat undiscovered deputy policemen is about to embark on a gruelling, rigorous task. His aim is to infiltrate 2 rival gangs, in the desperate attempt to bring down an infamous drug lord. But will he let the power of money corrupt him, or will he remain true to himself and the law he enforces.

Monday, 24 November 2008

Where's My Money ?

Commentary on "Where's My Money ?"

Chris Langford

Where’s My Money? Commentary

The main topic of our film is that Glen goes to pick up the money that is owed to them by Elsie, but a robber (Chris) comes in the room after Elsie has handed Glen the money. He shoots Glen and then shoots Elsie.

The steps taken to completing this film were quite long even though the film was so short. The first thing we did was write a script with description of dialogue, camera shots and movement. We then went on to creating a rough storyboard and then a final storyboard using photos from our digital camera. We then arranged places to film and actors if needed. We arranged a day and filmed the film. After we all sat around a PC doing the editing and finally uploaded it to Youtube and our Bloggs.

I think that mostly our finalised version of our film went very smoothly, but when actually filming there was quite a lot of problems. We also had to re-edit several times just to make small changes. The problems we had mostly was to do with getting the camera where we wanted it and keep it looking professional and running smoothly, for instance in a panning shot it would be difficult to make the camera stay exactly still and turn smoothly. We recognised this problem and took several of each shot to make sure when it came to editing we had a range to choose from which worked out very well. To ensure the most professional outcome of filming, when filming we always used a tripod to make the camera as steady as possible. This proved very useful and the tripod was very moveable in most areas accept in keeping the camera up right as it screwed in quite loosely.

The editing problems mostly were to do with the software that we were very unfamiliar with. I had experience in windows movie maker therefore catching onto the software fairly quickly but still kept noticing new things a lot of the time.

We used a lot of mísé én scéne and semiotics in our piece because we had such a small amount of dialog. For instance when Glen came in the room and we did an extreme close up it creates tension because you can tell that he is scanning the room but also the viewer cant see anything going on around Glen. The gun also denotes violence or criminal activity, the meeting already looks dodgy because you can tell how suspicious Glen is and then with the robbery of a large amount of money and a gun, it may be interpreted as rival gang crime. There was an un-intentional bit when Glen is walking into the room where the viewer has no idea that another person is there and suddenly we see Elsie after Glen has sat down. I think that we could have used semiotics to show that there was another person in the room. Something which is un-professional but I think worked very well none the less was the background noise when Glen was walking up the ramp to the door. It sounded very much like a factory or a working business environment which set the scene a lot as this small story really was about business between two people.

Preliminary (Where's My Money ?) Task Storyboard