Thursday 15 January 2009

Project Log


For the last three lessons since I have been back from my Christmas Break, I have mostly been brushing up on small details within our film. I have been finding other sources of music as we believe that we may have a copyright issue, changing small details in the editing to ensure it is most professional and as we only have two minutes, it also makes sure we use that time wisely. This Lesson Me and Glen Waine another member of my group have been confirming the music that we are going to use instead of the music we already have on top of our film.


The last three lessons have varied a lot. Three lessons ago I began to remake my storyboard by taking full screen screenshots of our film on youtube. It is nearly finished and will finish it in my own time. Last lesson I helped a lot of groups with editing thier films as I have progressed very quickly with the knowledge of the mac editing software called I-Movie. Today I have sorting out my blogg such as up loading my film and deleting posts which are now irrelivent as we are re-doing our storyboard. For the next hour of this lesson as it is a two hour lesson, we will watch and evaluate all the other groups films and see what could be done to improve ours.


Today was my first lesson into A2s. Ms Baird outlined the course and we learnt about British films.


Today we watched 1/3 of the 1969 Italian job and evaluated it. Thinking about the era that it was created and representation of the characters.


Today was my first lesson back from the summer holidays and my first lesson in year 13. Today we have been simply updating our blogs and doing whatever we need to do to them. I sorted out things to do with teaser trailers and British film.


Today we talked about, learned and discussed what 'Collective Identity' is and specifically it's relation with 'Britishness'. We watched a 10 minute scene from Both 'Sense and Sensability' and also 'Four weddings and a funeral'

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