Tuesday 8 September 2009

Year 13 Film Project Proposal - Four's a Crowd

Documentary / comedy film about kids – Four’s a Crowd

Four teenagers (18 yrs old) studying at 6 form. Live together a non care free life. However, two of them meet girls. This leads to two of the four boys beginning to change their lives. As the plot progresses we have interview’s with the characters. All the characters are sarcastic and laid back individuals.

Three main points in the story.

The four guys lives are shown to the audience, the documentary team go into there gritty house and see what they do in there every day lives. It starts off with them just on a Saturday day and shows what they do on it. Smoke, giggle, mong, eat, smoke, do the dishes and sleep.

Audience see the four meetings these two girls. Two of the guys are interested, two are not, we see them getting along really well, but the guys are clearly in-experienced and kind of loosers, but the girls like this about them.

The two who are un-interested are still doing the same thing. The other two, one of the girls has cheated on him and he begins to set back into his old life. While the other moves out and sorts out his life still with this girl.


The IGC Foundation Research Corporation are looking into the lives of four boarder lined average A2 students in Oxford, who attempt to live on there own with only money from their part time work and government support. One of them claims disability benefits for an allegedly paralyzed right arm. However the IGC camera crew will follow there lives over the period of one month, if there is one chance to make a mends on there lives, this is it, will they make it or will they break it?

Values and Ideologies

Coming of age. Learning the value of money. Maturing. Not wasting opportunities that arise. Relationships. Fraud. 6th form environment. Friendship. Zero to Hero.

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